Eastern Africa

7 December 2021

Benelli TRK 502 Review

The brand has proven itself in Kenya. It will last as long as you take care of it appropriately. Longest journey I did was Moyale at 1400kms both ways in 2 days and the bike still felt ready to undertake another trip soon after. So on reliability we leave it there.
28 August 2019

Maralal, for the Camel Derby

Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan ullamcorper aliquam. In fermentum. Morbi sem et purus in tortor et ligula. Nam vestibulum in, vulputate sed, elementum congue, aliquet vulputate.
25 October 2021

Hero X-Pulse at 500km

The bike is chilled out. Easy. Pleasant on tarmac, fun off-road. Inapunguza stress. Fuel economy so far is in the 37 kpl range
13 July 2020

Hotsprings in Kwale

Aenean ligula dui, non eros porttitor a, pharetra accumsan rutrum, wisi accumsan ullamcorper aliquam. In fermentum. Morbi sem et purus in tortor et ligula. Nam vestibulum in, vulputate sed, elementum congue, aliquet vulputate.
18 May 2021

Vuma Cliffs, Kilifi

Vuma cliffs.....🤔...it is a place that can be described as partly surreal and partly beautiful, worthy of the word "Vista". We roamed around the vast expanse of sharp jagged rocks and soaked in the humid salty air
19 December 2019

Bike rebuild test ride

The local suggested I push the bike to a nearby manyatta where I could leave it for the night and they would give me a ride to Kimuka. They were unwilling to carry my bike on their pick up.
9 October 2021

Zontes 250V review

I have owned the Zontes 250V Cafe Racer for 1 yr 4 months. Here are my personal opinions for the ownership duration.